Thursday, September 5, 2013

Block, 9/5 - Quiz and ICE - Hesiod


*Quiz and ICE

*Begin reading Heroes on Homer's Iliad.

HW: Read the following pages in Heroes and be prepared to discuss on Monday.
J8 – Heroes (85-96): “The Iliad – Intro”
  1. According to the myths, how did the war begin?
  2. What part of the war is the Iliad about?
  3. What is the ancient Greek view of death?
  4. Describe the hero’s attitude toward death.
  5. What does Homer think of the “heroic ethic”?
  6. What accounts for the “despair” that, according to C. S. Lewis, pervades Homer’s epic?
  7. Explain the “geography” of the epic. Why is this spacial division important?
  8. Describe the “chiastic” links between Books 1-3 and Books 22-24.
  1. How are the structures of Books 1 and 24 connected?
  1. Describe some of the poetic techniques that Homer uses to unify the poem.
  2. Research and cite two facts about ancient Greek warfare that you find interesting (we’ll see if Homer's depiction of warfare reflects your facts).

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