Saturday, February 22, 2014

Block, 2/13 - J6

  • P&P
  • Finish Act 2 together. 
HW: I'll have mercy on y'all. J6 will be due the Tuesday of your return . . . not Monday ; )

J6 - Hamlet: Act 2 (Leithart 130-139)
  1. Why does Act 2 begin with Polonius's seeming impertinent dialogue with Reynaldo? 
  2. What are the two results of spying?
  3. What is extremely significant about the ambassadors' news upon returning from Norway (and what does it have to do with Hamlet)?
  4. What is so significant about Hamlet's alleged madness? In other words, why is everyone so concerned about him?
  5. What are the theories concerning Hamlet's madness and who holds each theory? (There are at least three.)
  6. What is Hamlet's purpose behind his "verbal fencing"?
  7. What are the implications to Hamlet's calling Polonius a "fishmonger"?
  8.  Explain the meaning behind Hamlet's warning to Polonius: "For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god kissing carrion--Have you a daughter? . . . Let her not walk i' the sun. Conception is a blessing, but as your daughter may conceive--friend' look to 't."
  9. Explain why Hamlet reacts so emotionally upon hearing the first players speech. 
  10. How will the play The Murder of Gonzago relate to the theme of spying?

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