Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday-Tuesday, April 15-16 - Taming the Wildkate

  • P&P
  • Continue the Shrew.
HW: (due Friday)

Shrew - J3 (Acts 3-4)
  1. How does Petruchio dress for his wedding? Why? How do his actions reflect his attire?
  2. Describe Bianca's education. Why is it significant that she has never heard of a "taming school"?
  3. In what sense does Bianca "take her sister's room"?
  4. Why does Petruchio constantly attack his servants? How does Kate react?
  5. Explain the double meaning of "stoop."
  6. Why is it significant that Petruchio refuses to let Kate eat or sleep?
  7. What does Petruchio do with Kate's new clothes? Why? How does this fit with larger themes of the play?
  8. How does Kate show that she has become submissive to Petruchio?
  9. Does Kate's submission stifle her liveliness and creativity?
  10. Explain the "sun" imagery in the last part of Act 4.

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