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Achilles Fights the River |
*Discuss through Book 12. Yes, we will.
HW: Check here for abridged reading schedule for the three day weekend.
So . . . try to read as much as you can, not because I'm going to slam you with an assignment, but because this is your opportunity to enjoy as much of this epic as you can.
Skim all the books but the ones in RED. READ THOSE IN FULL.
- Book 13 (Battling for the Ships) - mostly grisly-detailed fighting. Skim it.
- Book 14 (Hera Outflanks Zeus) - Skim if you wish this soap opera seduction. If that sort of thing tickles your fancy, then I'd recommend you skip it. Zeus falls prey to Hera's womanly wiles and withdraws from the battle, repeating Paris' words to Helen: Remember that one time I desired you? "That was nothing to how I hunger for you now-- / irresistible longing lays me low!" (380). Hera's sexual war tactic plays a major role in turning the war's tide . . . for a short time.
- Book 15 (The Achaean Armies at Bay) - Skim, but be sure to read pages 393-394 to enjoy some intra-trinitarian (read "polytheistic") politics. Also, read the last couple of pages in the book (410-11) when the Trojans and Acheans fight in close quarters, and Ajax picks off twelve fire-bringers, a scene reminiscent of the Battle at Helm's Deep in The Two Towers (?). In this book, Zeus "wises up" to Hera's schemes and commands Hera, Athena, and Poseidon to knock off their Argive loving. Hera swears she had nothing to do with this; rather, she explains that Zeus is "so hot right now," that Poseidon merely used their little soiree to help the Argivenns . . . all dreamed up in his little twisted mind. Zeus loves being hot right then and tells Hera he's glad she's finally joined him, Darth Vader (Dark Father), and if she's serious, she will join his plan in restoring Hector to health and driving Hector on in rage, pushing the Argives back against their ships . . . all to honor Zeus' word to Thetis to exalt Achilles.
- Book 16 (Patroclus Fights and Dies) - This is long but important book. Try to read most of it. Patroclus, the glory of the father (Achilles), dons Achilles' war gear and is a glorious symbol of the Achilles to come. But, like Achilles will later, he dies in glorious battle, overreaching in titanic fashion for what Achilles warns him of.
- Book 17 (Menelaus' Finest Hour) - Skim the battle for Patroclus' body. But beware Ajax (the Biggun') and Menelaus; they won't let you body-snatch the man formerly known as "Patroclus."Oh, and try not to freak out when Achilles bellows his war cry. This is proto-screamo at its finest because modern day screamo ain't got nothing on the ancients.
- Book 18 (The Shield of Achilles) - Read this bad-boy of a book. Hector ticketh Achilles offeth. Achilles goes to mama. Mama goes to Hephaestus. Hephaestus smithies new war gear for Achilles. Achilles the spoiled brat gets new war gear from doting mommy. Pay attention to the social depiction on the shield. Dig.
- Book 19 (The Champion Arms for Battle) - Read.
- Book 20 (Olympian Gods In Arms) - Skim these serious war scenes.
- Book 21 (Achilles Fights the River) - Achilles goes beyond Diomedes' berserking and decides to throw down with an entire river and its god. Very fun book. Enjoy the skim!
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