The size of the tea cups at my castle |
*Today you will continue to read through the rest of Homer's epic. If you do not, then the tea party dainties will curdle in your little tum-tum, which reminds me to remind you that we will be taking a field trip to my abode across the street where we will dine on tea and Homeric gore.
We will be taking a glorious walk to my house, just outside the campus'
non-pearly gates, to enjoy an extended block period of high tea, Watsonville-style, yet English-inspired.
In order to join us, you MUST get a permission slip signed by a parent,
guardian, or dean. If not, you will hang out in the library, a
not-as-magnificent experience. The permission slip is posted on Focus.
Ding-ding! Tea time!
HW: finish The Iliad and get your permission slip signed for Friday. Figure out who will prepare yumminesses to accompany our "steeped haystacks" and cups of high-class liquid dirt.