*Discuss Book 3, Leithart, and begin Book 4
- Read Book 4 (for tomorrow)
- Work on Leithart below (due Friday)
- How does Virgil hint that Carthage might be Aeneas’ new home, yet also a false one?
- Describe Dido's character (What goddesses is she like? How is she an "Amazon"?) How do her character traits, office, and sex doom her to a life of furor?
- Describe the significance of the "serpent-like flame" imagery, in addition to the further significance of Sinon's name.
- What is the significance of Aeneas' visit to Buthrotum?
- How is Aeneas' departure from Carthage (his suppression of personal desire beneath public duty) significant on the political, philosophical, geographical, gender, and cosmic levels?
- What do many modern critics suggest Virgil is doing with Dido's suicide? How does Leithart qualify their gross over-simplification?
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